I know it's cliché to say that kids grow up fast - but I don't care I'm saying it anyway...
Boy, do kids grow up fast!!
Watching Connor grow is so exciting as he gets bigger, discovers the world, and learns new things. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a little sad seeing him get big, but each new stage is fun. It's crazy though to look back and compare his then and now pictures - the difference is astounding! I remember thinking he was big when he hit the 7 lb mark! (I also remember crying when he was 3 days old about how he was growing up too fast, but that was whacky after birth hormones and another story ;))
Carseat (coming home at 3 days vs 5 1/2 months):
Tummy time on the Boppy (2 months vs 3 months vs 5 1/2 months):
And finally, the swing - Connor's favorite place to nap. I fear the day he outgrows it since his only good naps are in the swing, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it (or find a swing with a 75 lb weight limit and hope he naps without it by then). Here is Connor at 1 week vs. 5 months:
We love you little big guy!
Wow. He is growing fast. So many milestones and accomplishments yet to come. Enjoy every single second of everyday.