Friday, August 17, 2012

A 6 month letter to Connor

Dear Connor,

Yesterday, you were 6 months old (on Mommy and Daddy's 4 year wedding anniversary!)

Connor is 6 months old - the monkey is getting smaller and smaller

Looking back over the last 6 months, you have grown so much!

We are so proud of all of the things that you have been learning and doing lately! You are expanding your culinary repertoire past rice cereal into fruits and veggies. So far, you have liked everything you have tried, although sweet potatoes are your definite favorite, with bananas and peaches not far behind. You are a great eater, opening your mouth wide for the next spoonful.
Opening wide even for green beans
You also tried a sippy cup for the first time the other day with some water in it. You still need a little practice with it, but we know you'll get it. You look like such a big boy drinking from it!

Hmm, this isn't milk

You love to play, whether it be on your play mat, in your door jumper, or sitting on our laps.

You are great at lifting your head up during tummy time and love looking around.
You are playing more with your toys. Your current favorites are funny bunny and your rattle. You love to shake your rattle and you are now able to pass it from your left to right hand for optimal shaking.

We put you in your door jumper the other day for the first time and you love it! You are a big fan of bouncing and will play happily in there for awhile. You are so smart and figured out quickly how it works.

We are practicing sitting with you while we play. You are doing great with it, but still need a little help

Getting pretty good at this sitting thing
You have 2 little bottom teeth that came in recently. Being the laid back baby that your are, they gave you a little trouble one night but didn't really seem to be bother you otherwise (hopefully that trend continues with all of the others!)

2 little bottom teeth poking through
You are becoming more aware of the dogs and reaching out to pet them (they've been licking you since the very beginning). You reach up to "pet" Graham and Guinness by grabbing a handful of their fur. They love you so much and patiently let you do it. They always want to see what you are up to and what you are playing with (Graham is still holding out hope of getting a hold taste of Sophie).

Divers brothers
You are going to be an avid reader because you're already showing a love of books. We love snuggling with you before bed with a good book and reading to you.

Reading with Daddy - this picture makes Mommy's heart melt
Connor, you are such a laid back, easy going baby. You've been sleeping through the night since 8 weeks (although I imagine we will pay for this with your siblings) and you greet us with a smile every morning when we come into your room to get you. There are so many wonderful things about you, buddy, and you make us smile and laugh everyday. Whether its the way you try to drink your bottle and suck your thumb at the same time, the way you blow raspberries and chat to yourself in your swing or in the car (you often laugh at yourself too. To be fair, you're funny!), or the way you always suck your thumb throughout your entire bath, there is just so much to love about you.

Chatting away on my mat
Speaking of thumb sucking, you are still definitely an avid thumb sucker. It's pretty adorable.
Thinking deep thoughts

These past 6 months with you have been such a blessing and we can't wait to see what amazing things the future holds. We love you so much, Connor, and we thank God every day for the gift of you. You have brought so much joy to our lives, buddy, and we love you so much! Happy 6 month birthday Connor!!

Love, Mommy and Daddy

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