It's so exciting to watch Connor learn things and do things for the first time! Sometimes we notice him "practicing" tricks and then all of the sudden BOOM the trick is perfected and he shows it off. We noticed some "ha has" coming from him recently, but no full blown laughs - until yesterday.
I've always known that Joe is funny - it's one of the many things I love about him and one of the many reasons I married him - he can always make me laugh. It was no surprise to me that he got the first laugh out of Connor - I get it, Connor, he's funny! When Connor is older, I'm sure he'll appreciate Daddy's puns and wit, but for now, it's Daddy's silliness (and Sophie) that's hilarious to Connor.
Even before I was pregnant with Connor, I heard about the magic of Sophie the Giraffe to babies. Supposedly, babies LOVE Sophie. Connor, at least at this point, is somewhat indifferent to toys - except Sophie - he loves that giraffe. He holds it, chews it, and loves on it all of the time. I give you exhibit A:
Connor is not the only one in love with Sophie. Graham wants Sophie SO bad you can see it in his eyes. He wants nothing more than to run off and chew and squeak Sophie 'till his heart's content. However, like the good dog he is, Graham resists the edge to snatch Sophie (it would be like stealing candy a giraffe from a baby) and simply stares longingly at Sophie and steals an occasional sniff.
"Back off Graham, Sophie is mine"
Sophie is popular in the Divers' house.
It's not surprising that Connor's combined love of his Daddy and his giraffe elicited his first laugh. Hearing him giggle is the best sound in the world! I give you, Connor laughing:
There is nothing in this world that brings a smile to your face and joy to your heart like your babies laugh. Thanks for sharing.