Today, Connor is 5 months old - where has the time gone?! Looking at his monthly pictures with his monkey friend, he is definitely growing up and it's so neat to watch how much he changes from month to month.
At 5 months, Connor had just started rolling over and lifting his head and chest off the ground 90 degrees during tummy time.

He also just laughed for the first time the other day - his little giggle is one of the best sounds in the world!
Connor started eating rice cereal last week and just started having 2 rice cereal feelings a day today. He's doing well with it although he's not 100% sold. (don't worry Connor, there's more exciting food coming soon!)
Connor loves sitting in his jumperoo
playing on his mat
taking walks with Mommy and Daddy in his stroller
and of course, sucking his thumb
Connor has been sleeping through the night for 3 months now (we certainly lucked out!) and wakes up every morning with a huge smile. He definitely has his Daddy's laid back personality.
These past 5 months have been amazing as we watch him grow, learn, and discover new things all of the time. Mommy and Daddy love you Connor - happy 5 month birthday buddy!
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