Sunday, July 29, 2012

Busy Weekend

Connor's first veggies!
The weekends seem to go by faster since Connor came along, but they're a lot more fun, too. The little guy keeps us busy. It's a different kind of busy, though -- the kind where Elle and I are sitting on the couch at 10:30, getting ready to head to bed, and we ask each other "Where, exactly, did this day go?". The laundry isn't done and the grass didn't get cut, but the baby is fed, bathed, and all played out, so you have to consider it a success.

We spent Friday night watching the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. Connor and I missed the beginning due to bath time (where he was putting the finishing touches on a pretty impressive backstroke). We settled in in time to catch the hundred Mary Poppinses fighting off the fifty foot Voldemort. Connor was not impressed. He did dress to support Team USA, though.

Current Patriot, Future Olympian
Saturday I snuck out for a couple of hours to see the new Spider-Man movie with a friend, so Connor and Mommy enjoyed some one-on-one time. The three of us went out with some friends to celebrate a birthday. Once again, Connor was a superstar at the restaurant. He managed to sleep through a good chunk of the meal, despite our party being somewhat spirited. We had a lot of fun seeing friends, something we are making an effort to do more often now that Connor is a bit older.

Today was a big day, too. After a few weeks of "training" with rice cereal, Connor took his first run at veggies today. We opted for sweet potatoes, as that was a favorite for both Mom and Dad. It was a rousing success. Connor thoroughly enjoyed them, at one point even voicing his frustration when Mom failed to reload quickly enough. We are hoping for a similar level of success with his greens next week. We even noticed a couple of teeth that are threatening to push through any day now. We did capture the whole thing on video:

After a fun visit from Grandma and Grandpa, we wrapped up the day with a quick walk down to the park and some time in the baby swing for Connor. He simultaneously looked so big ("He's old enough to sit in a swing at the park?!") and so small (He's still swallowed up by the swing). He really seemed to enjoy it, giving us a few of his signature laughs (which are coming more and more often these days). All in all, another great weekend!

Fun at the park

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Exploring the World

As always, Connor has been doing great. He's really starting to explore the world, rather than just watching it passively. He's at the point where everything he sees has to go into his mouth. He's always grabbing someone's finger (or Mommy's hair) and chomping down -- I had no idea baby gums were so hard! I guess it's good practice for him, though. He started rice cereal a couple of weeks ago and is doing great with it (although the poor kid seems to have inherited my table manners).

We start fruits and veggies this weekend, so hopefully he doesn't share my unfortunate distaste for all things green. In the meantime, though, the little guy is having a lot of fun everyday. He's laughing more and more, especially at his "funny bunny". Here are a couple of videos featuring this master of hilarity and some other favorite toys.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Connor is 5 months!


Today, Connor is 5 months old - where has the time gone?! Looking at his monthly pictures with his monkey friend, he is definitely growing up and it's so neat to watch how much he changes from month to month.

At 5 months, Connor had just started rolling over and lifting his head and chest off the ground 90 degrees during tummy time.

He also just laughed for the first time the other day - his little giggle is one of the best sounds in the world!

Connor started eating rice cereal last week and just started having 2 rice cereal feelings a day today. He's doing well with it although he's not 100% sold. (don't worry Connor, there's more exciting food coming soon!)

Connor loves sitting in his jumperoo

playing on his mat

taking walks with Mommy and Daddy in his stroller

and of course, sucking his thumb

Connor has been sleeping through the night for 3 months now (we certainly lucked out!) and wakes up every morning with a huge smile. He definitely has his Daddy's laid back personality.

These past 5 months have been amazing as we watch him grow, learn, and discover new things all of the time. Mommy and Daddy love you Connor - happy 5 month birthday buddy!


Sunday, July 15, 2012

Happy Birthday Graham!

We have 2 family birthdays very close together :)

Happy 4th birthday Graham!!


I can't believe its been almost 4 years since we brought Graham home as a little puppy - Our first furry baby. Graham and Guinness shared birthday ice cream and Graham had a relaxing Sunday at home napping on the couch, barking at passersby, and being with his family (this big guy thinks sometimes that he is a lap dog)

Happy birthday Graham! We love you!


Saturday, July 14, 2012

Daddy + Sophie = Comedy Genius

It's so exciting to watch Connor learn things and do things for the first time! Sometimes we notice him "practicing" tricks and then all of the sudden BOOM the trick is perfected and he shows it off. We noticed some "ha has" coming from him recently, but no full blown laughs - until yesterday.

I've always known that Joe is funny - it's one of the many things I love about him and one of the many reasons I married him - he can always make me laugh. It was no surprise to me that he got the first laugh out of Connor - I get it, Connor, he's funny! When Connor is older, I'm sure he'll appreciate Daddy's puns and wit, but for now, it's Daddy's silliness (and Sophie) that's hilarious to Connor.


Even before I was pregnant with Connor, I heard about the magic of Sophie the Giraffe to babies. Supposedly, babies LOVE Sophie. Connor, at least at this point, is somewhat indifferent to toys - except Sophie - he loves that giraffe. He holds it, chews it, and loves on it all of the time. I give you exhibit A:

Connor is not the only one in love with Sophie. Graham wants Sophie SO bad you can see it in his eyes. He wants nothing more than to run off and chew and squeak Sophie 'till his heart's content. However, like the good dog he is, Graham resists the edge to snatch Sophie (it would be like stealing candy a giraffe from a baby) and simply stares longingly at Sophie and steals an occasional sniff.

"Back off Graham, Sophie is mine"

Sophie is popular in the Divers' house.

It's not surprising that Connor's combined love of his Daddy and his giraffe elicited his first laugh. Hearing him giggle is the best sound in the world! I give you, Connor laughing:

You'll be laughing at Daddy for many years to come, Connor - he's hilarious, even without Sophie!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Happy Birthday Guinness!!

Just a quick post to wish Guinness a very happy birthday!!

This handsome boy turned 3 today and he celebrated with a doggone good day (sorry couldn't resist). He enjoyed all day napping, wrestling with Graham, and a special ice cream treat.

Happy 3rd Birthday Guinness! We love you!


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Connor Rolls Over

Speaking of missing firsts while I'm away, Connor decided to roll over for the first time today.  Luckily, he was more than happy to put on a repeat performance for me once I got home.  Connor's never been much of a fan of tummy time, so he seems pretty pleased that he can escape it on his own terms now.  At about the 40 second mark, you'll see a cameo by Graham showing Connor some love.

Seeing him rolling over and pushing up has been really exciting for us.  He's been a bit behind on some of his gross motor skills over the past months, but it seems he's catching up quickly.  And just for fun, here's the trailer for Super Connor.

Connor Tries Rice Cereal

Just a quick update for now.  Here's the full video of Connor's first experience with rice cereal.  It was a pretty surreal experience to put him into a high chair and watch him eat from a spoon for the first time.  I guess it's a cliche thing to say, but it's hard to believe how fast he's growing up.  I'm always grateful for the opportunity to be there for these "controlled" firsts (I find it unlikely that he was going to make himself some rice cereal, climb up into the high chair, and eat it), since I never know what I'm going to miss while I'm at work each day.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Meet the Gang

Welcome!  This blog is going to be updated by both my wife (Elle) and myself (Joe).  In the future, most posts will be put together by one of us.  We're tag teaming this one to get thing started.

A lot of the content on this blog will be inspired by our son Connor and our dogs Graham and Guinness.

Connor is not quite five months old.  He's a very happy, laid back baby with a winning personality.  Connor was born a few weeks early, but he's making some headway in catching up.  He's been gaining weight at a steady rate, due in part to a prodigious appetite he inherited from his dad.  He loves all types of music, including the off-key singing of mom and dad.  He has already developed a deep and meaningful relationship with his thumb.

Graham is a four year old golden retriever who won't retrieve.  He considers himself the defender of the house, the yard, and all he can see, but still crawls into your lap during a thunderstorm.  He wants nothing more than to be with you.

Guinness is, quite simply, a mutt.  He's a rather eclectic mix -- beagle/bulldog/German shepherd.  He's three years old, going on thirty --  an old soul that appreciates time to himself in a way that Graham never will.  He's at his happiest when napping in his crate (the one space he can really call his own with a new baby in the house), laying out in the sun, or stealing your dinner off the counter.  When Graham is cowering during the latest thunderstorm/fireworks display/backfiring car, Guinness will be found yawning, completely unfazed.

And who are we?  We're just the parents, trying to keep everything together.  Welcome to our world of tiny toes and wet noses.