Long time no post! Apparently babies keep you pretty busy as we have been blog quiet recently. No fear, Connor has had a lot going on!
Yesterday, he turned 7 months old!
Who keeps shrinking this monkey? |
His stats at his 6 month doctors appointment (which actually took place when he was about 6.5 months) were 16 lbs 12 oz (24th percentile) and 26.5 inches (46th percentile). Our little string bean! He seems to be going through a growth spurt recently. He's been getting up in the middle of the night (yawn, although no complaints we have been blessed with many restful nights with this little boy) and scarfing down a big bottle. Who doesn't want a midnight snack?! (although formula wouldn't be my first choice)
Connor had some 6 month pictures taken with a local photographer. They turned out great and I think they captured his cuteness and beautiful blue eyes.
6 month professional pictures |
During our staycation in August, Connor got to go swimming for the first time and he loved it! He was a natural little fish in the water. We put him in and he immediately starting kicking his feet in his raft and moving himself around - 2032 Olympics, here he comes!
A natural in the water! |
On Labor day weekend, we all went to Pittsburgh for a welcome home picnic for Connor's Uncle Eric, who had been studying for his Masters in England. Connor had never met him before, so it was exciting! Connor also got to meet/see a lot of his extended Pittsburgh family and had a lot of fun.
Meeting Uncle Eric for the first time |
Speaking of Uncle Eri(c)(k)s, Connor's Aunt Krissie and Uncle Erik came to visit last weekend from their new home in Cincinnati. What a lucky little boy to have 2 uncles named Eri(c)(k) - we just need a way to distinguish between the 2 when talking about them - we are working on it :). Connor had a lot of fun hanging out with his aunt and uncle and is looking forward to road tripping to go visit them soon!
Connor with his other Uncle Erik and favorite aunt, Krissie |
In other exciting news, Connor got some new wheels (well, maybe mommy and daddy really got the new wheels). We are officially a minivan family now and we are loving it! Lots of room for babies, baby gear, our 2 wet nosed children, and all of their stuff too. Now I just need to sign Connor up for soccer..
Connor's new ride |
Connor has been very busy at home too, playing, practicing new skills, and eating! Some of his favorite things recently include:
Bouncing in his door jumper (possibly his absolute favorite thing at this point. He is ALWAYS trying to jump!)

He loves music and being sung to. His current favorite song is "Little Ducky Daddle". If you're not familiar with the tune, Connor highly recommends it. This duck song is magic - it soothes him, makes him laugh, and entertains all at the same time. He stops in his tracks whenever you start singing it and waits in anticipation for the "quack quack" that comes at the end. It's his jam.(for Seinfeld fans, it makes me think of that boyfriend Elaine had that loved "Desperado" - this is Connor's Desperado")
Connor has been practicing his sitting and still needs a little work, but is getting better at it every day.
Sitting is fun! |
Getting a little sitting help from the Boppy |
He was practicing sitting today at the grocery store too, like a big boy!
Helping Mommy grocery shop |
He is doing lots of tummy time
So thoughtful... |
Loving tummy time now (never used to be a favorite!) |
Playing with his toys
Chillin' |
And still definitely sucking his thumb
Little Linus |
He's always trying new foods and we haven't found anything yet that he doesn't like - even prunes!
Aftermath of eating prunes and sucking his thumb at the same time |
Can't believe this handsome little guy is more than half way to his first birthday!
Our little bluestreak |
He's such a happy baby, always smiling and having fun and he sure brings endless joy to our lives! Happy 7 months buddy! Love you!
So handsome |